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LogSheet Logging

This example demonstrates the advanced logging possibilities to a Google Spreadsheet.

The following settings are used to configure the logging behafior:

  • logSheetLocation: The location of the spreadsheet document to be logged into.
  • logFields: The list of log fields which are used to log into a separate column in the given order.
  • logSheetTracing: Logs additional tracing logs into the log sheet.

The action global.sheetLog is then used to log certain messages into the logsheet at the given processingStages.

👉 Edit this example in the playground.

"description": "Logs data to a Google Spreadsheet.",
"settings": {
"markProcessedMethod": "mark-read",
"logSheetLocation": "/GmailProcessor-Tests/logsheet-{{|formatDate('yyyy-MM')}}",
"logSheetTracing": true,
"logFields": [
"threads": [
"match": {
"query": "-in:trash -in:drafts -in:spam after:{{|formatDate('yyyy-MM-dd')}} from:{{}} is:unread subject:\"[GmailProcessor-Test] logSheetLogging\""
"actions": [
"name": "global.sheetLog",
"args": {
"level": "info",
"message": "Thread log (pre-main): {{}}"
"processingStage": "pre-main"
"name": "global.sheetLog",
"args": {
"level": "info",
"message": "Thread log (main): {{}}"
"processingStage": "main"
"name": "global.sheetLog",
"args": {
"level": "info",
"message": "Thread log (post-main): {{}}"
"processingStage": "post-main"
"messages": [
"actions": [
"name": "global.sheetLog",
"args": {
"level": "warn",
"message": "Message log (pre-main): {{}}"
"processingStage": "pre-main"
"name": "global.sheetLog",
"args": {
"level": "warn",
"message": "Message log (main): {{}}"
"processingStage": "main"
"name": "global.sheetLog",
"args": {
"level": "warn",
"message": "Message log (post-main): {{}}"
"processingStage": "post-main"
"attachments": [
"actions": [
"name": "global.sheetLog",
"args": {
"level": "error",
"message": "Attachment log (pre-main): {{attachment.hash}}"
"processingStage": "pre-main"
"name": "",
"args": {
"conflictStrategy": "update",
"location": "/GmailProcessor-Tests/e2e/logSheetLogging/{{}}"
"name": "global.sheetLog",
"args": {
"level": "error",
"message": "Attachment log (post-main): {{attachment.hash}}"
"processingStage": "post-main"

Source: logSheetLogging.ts