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Enum Types

These are the supported enum types with their keys (only used for development) and values that can be used in the configuration.


Represents an attachment field to be ordered by for processing.

CONTENT_TYPEcontentTypeOrder by the content type of the attachment.
HASHhashOrder by the hash of the attachment.
NAMEnameOrder by the name of the attachment.


Strategy that defines how to deal in case of conflicts with already existing files at the desired location in Google Drive.

BACKUPbackupCreate a backup of the existing file by renaming it.
ERRORerrorTerminate processing with an error.
KEEPkeepKeep the existing file and create the new one with the same name.
REPLACEreplaceReplace the existing file with the new one.
SKIPskipSkip creating the new file and keep the existing one.
UPDATEupdateUpdate the existing file with the contents of the new one (keep it's file ID).


A type of context.

ATTACHMENTattachmentA context holding the attachment configuration and information about the currently processed attachment.
ENVenvA context holding all environment information and references to environment objects.
MESSAGEmessageA context holding the message configuration and information about the currently processed message.
PROCESSINGprocA context holding all processing information like the configuration, integration adapters, action registry and timer.
THREADthreadA context holding the thread configuration and information about the currently processed thread.


Status of end-to-end tests

ERRORerrorAn end-to-end test produced an error while executing.
FAILEDfailedThe end-to-end test failed.
SKIPPEDskippedThe end-to-end test has been skipped.
SUCCESSsuccessThe end-to-end test was successful.


Levels of log messages used for marking and filtering.

DEBUGdebugLog level for debugging messages.
ERRORerrorLog level for error messages.
INFOinfoLog level for info messages.
TRACEtraceLog level for execution tracing
WARNwarnLog level for warning messages.


Specifies how sensitive data should be redacted for logging.

ALLallRedact all possibly sensitive data
AUTOautoAutomatically detect sensitive data to be redacted
NONEnoneDo not redact sensitive data at all.


The method to mark processed threads/messages/attachments.

ADD_THREAD_LABELadd-labelAdds the label defined in the setting markProcessedLabel to each processed thread.

- Automatically appends the action thread.addLabel to the list of global thread actions
- Automatically appends -label:<markProcessedLabel> to the global thread match query config

- It cannot handle multiple messages per thread properly.
CUSTOMcustomDoesn't do anything to mark threads, messages or attachments as processed and leaves this task to the user.

- Use actions on the desired level (threads, messages or attachments) to mark them as processed.
- Take care to exclude them from queries in the thread match config, to prevent re-processing over and over again.

- Is more complex since you have to take care to
MARK_MESSAGE_READmark-readMarks processed messages as read, which is more flexible than adding a thread label.
But it comes at the cost of marking messages as read, which may not be expected.

- Automatically appends the action message.markRead to the list of global message actions
- Automatically appends -is:read to the global thread match query config
- Automatically adds is: ["unread"] to the global message match config

- Since it marks messages as read it may not be applicable in all cases.


A flag to match messages with certain properties.

READreadMatches read messages.
STARREDstarredMatches starred messages.
UNREADunreadMatches unread messages.
UNSTARREDunstarredMatches un-starred messages.


Represents a message field to be ordered by for processing.

DATEdateOrder by the date of the message.
FROMfromOrder by the sender of the message.
IDidOrder by the ID of the message.
SUBJECTsubjectOrder by the subject of the message.


The type of meta information used for context substitution placeholders.

BOOLEANbooleanBoolean type substituted to true or false.
DATEdateDate/time type. For substitution a format string can be given using ${<placeholder>:date:<expression>:<format>}.
NUMBERnumberA numeric data type.
STRINGstringA string data type.
VARIABLEvariableA custom configuration variable.


Represents the direction a list should be ordered.

ASCascOrder ascending.
DESCdescOrder descending.


The stage of action processing

MAINmainThe stage during processing the main object (thread, message, attachment)
POST_MAINpost-mainThe stage after processing the main object (thread, message, attachment)
PRE_MAINpre-mainThe stage before processing the main object (thread, message, attachment)


The result status of processing a config or an action.

ERRORerrorAn error has occurred.
OKokThe processing was successful.


The runtime mode in which processing takes place.

DANGEROUSdangerousThis run-mode will execute all configured actions including possibly destructive actions like overwriting files or removing threads or messages.
ATTENTION: Use this only if you know exactly what you're doing and won't complain if something goes wrong!
DRY_RUNdry-runThis run-mode skips execution of writing actions. Use this for testing config changes or library upgrades.
SAFE_MODEsafe-modeThis run-mode can be used for normal operation but will skip possibly destructive actions like overwriting files or removing threads or messages.


Represents a thread field to be ordered by for processing.

FIRST_MESSAGE_SUBJECTfirstMessageSubjectOrder by the subject of the first message in the thread.
IDidOrder by the ID of the thread.
LAST_MESSAGE_DATElastMessageDateOrder by the date of the last message in the thread.